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12 Apps to Find Semi Truck Parking Near You

Feb 25, 2022 2:26:19 PM


You’ve been behind the wheel for miles, all day long, and now it’s time for a break. Only one problem: Where do you park your big rig? An ongoing challenge for truck drivers is finding truck parking spots. They need a safe place to take mandatory breaks so they can power down and refuel, not just their vehicles, but themselves too. Parking illegally can put drivers at risk of theft or injury, and FMCSA fines can be costly, which is why finding adequate space for truck parking needs is so important. Luckily, software developers have stepped forward to help alleviate the issue. Mobile apps are available to help truck drivers answer the question: “Where is there semi truck parking near me?” Most apps are free to download and allow users to easily find rest stops, parking and gas stations. Check out the list of apps below.

  1. Trucker Path: Trucker Path is a free app that helps truckers with navigation, trip planning and routing. It also shows available parking, weigh stations and even fuel prices at truck stops.
  2. Reserve-It!: This app enables drivers to reserve parking spaces up to 30 days in advance. It also gives users the option to reserve spaces for multiple days in a row.
  3. Trucks Park Here: This helpful app shows parking for truckers that are running in Kansas, Iowa, Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, Kentucky or Indiana. It uses parking spot sensors to relay availability to the driver’s phone.
  4. Dock 411: Dock411 provides information to users about overnight parking, restroom availability and other rest stop details for an upcoming destination.
  5. Road Breaker: Road Breaker is another mobile app that shows available parking depending on where drivers are headed.
  6. iExit Trucks: This app uses the driver location to identify which exits are truck-friendly and have amenities nearby, including diesel, scales, rest areas, truck parking and maintenance.
  7. Road Hunter: Smartphone apps like Road Hunter help drivers find specific gas stations, weigh stations and rest stops.
  8. TruckSmart Mobile: This app shows current parking availability at rest stops. Users can check fuel prices online, lane availability at pumps and other amenities too.
  9. Trucker Tools: Trucker Tools enables users to find truck stops, parking, weigh stations and even book loads while on the go.
  10. AllStays Truck Stops and Travel Plazas: This is another tool to help drivers find truck stops, rest areas, weigh stations, truck washes, tank cleaning and more.
  11. Love's Connect: For drivers that use Love's truck stops, an app is available to find those specific locations. The app also allows users to request roadside assistance and reserve showers while parked.
  12. Pilot Flying J App: Pilot Flying J also has an app available to show drivers their locations with showers, truck washes, parking and more.

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Kira Odlozil

Written by Kira Odlozil

Based in San Diego, CA, Kira Odlozil is the Digital Content Coordinator at P-Fleet. She writes about fuel management, the trucking industry and business-related topics. When Kira isn’t writing, she’s cooking up new recipes, doing yoga, traveling or all of the above.