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Best Fuel Cards for Small Trucking Companies

Choosing the right fuel card for small truck fleets can help you monitor expenses and gain control of costs. That's why P-Fleet offers card solutions designed to support the needs of small businesses.

How to Choose the Right Fuel Cards for Your Small Truck Company

Identifying the best fuel card for a small truck company requires careful consideration of several factors:

  • Potential for discounts: Like most small businesses, trucking operations must control costs to stay competitive. A card that offers access to discounts could provide substantial savings. 
  • Convenient network: It is critical to have convenient access to gas stations and truck stops in the areas where you operate.
  • Low or no fees: The card you choose should have few, if any, fees. Transaction fees, among other fees, can add up quickly and reduce your company's profitability.
  • Tracking capabilities: Small business owners must know where every dollar is going. The right fuel card will help capture essential data related to vehicles, drivers and the fuel products purchased to complete a route.
  • Access to reports: Many business operators can benefit from a card program that includes reports to complete IFTA filings and meet other regulatory compliance requirements.
  • Simplified account management: Busy owners can benefit from program features like online customer portals to manage fuel cards while on the road. Mobile apps are also available to locate the nearest sites and check prices.

What Is the Best Fuel Card for a Small Trucking Company?

At P-Fleet, we offer several fuel card options that enable smaller trucking operations to gain greater control over their finances. Our card options and their many features include:


Our CFN card gives you access to the largest discount fuel network in the U.S., a vital benefit for companies looking to maximize cost savings. CFN sites are typically near major highways and industrial areas, and many can accommodate large commercial vehicles. You can also add access to 57,000 retail gas stations and truck stops to your card if there aren't enough CFN sites along your routes.


The Voyager card is a useful option for small trucking businesses that want maximum flexibility for where they can fuel. The card can be used at 97% of U.S. fuel locations, allowing you to select the brands and locations with the lowest costs. Cover additional operating expenses such as maintenance with an optional add-on to individual cards.

Additional features and benefits are available when you sign up for a P-Fleet fuel card, including:

  • No transaction fees, card fees or late payment fees
  • Free fraud protection
  • Online account access to manage cards
  • Free reporting solutions
  • Dedicated account representative
  • Customer support by phone, email and chat
  • Invoices by email
  • Free card delivery

Sign up With P-Fleet Today

P-Fleet is your go-to company for reliable fleet fuel cards. When you sign up, you are not locked into a contract, and you can cancel at any time. Our application process is easy and takes just a few minutes. Sign up today to get started. Feel free to contact us online if you have any questions.