To make the most informed decision on selecting a fleet fuel card for the delivery industry, consider these factors:
If your priority is accessing an extensive discount network to save on fuel, we have a card for that. If your primary concern is driver convenience and flexibility, we have a card to accommodate that, too.
The CFN card provides access to the largest discount fuel network in the U.S., making it an ideal choice for delivery operations seeking to minimize fuel costs. CFN fuel sites are designed for large commercial vehicles, allowing drivers to navigate in and out more easily than a gas station.
Many sites also include high-speed dispensers so drivers can refuel faster, which is important if you have several deliveries scheduled for the day. Customers can view CFN prices online. Managers can also turn on extra card acceptance for drivers that need it, including 57,000 truck stops and gas stations.
The Voyager card is among the most widely accepted fleet fuel cards available, making it an excellent choice for the delivery industry. Your drivers will have access to more than 320,000 truck stops and gas stations nationwide, including major brands and independent stations. Managers have the option of restricting purchases to fuel or allowing fuel and maintenance purchases on a card-by-card basis, depending on driver needs.
Additional features and benefits when you sign up for a P-Fleet card include:
You can submit an application today for a distribution and delivery fuel card. The process only takes a few minutes and won't impact your credit score. If you need more information, request a call from one of our team members.